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Kenna seems super sweet & nice & Step-Mommy is so nervous about leaving you with a new sitter & giving Kenna the lowdown. Step-Mommy also mentions that you haven't gone #2 in a couple days & may be backed up but if you do #2 it will be a BIG ONE! Step-Mommy kisses you & leaves but Kenna quickly turns the tables & takes away your favorite toy! WHat a meanie. She tells you to go in your crib & laughs at your constipation predicament. She turns out to be quite the pervert as she diaper checks you (you're wet) and pushes your diaper to the side & slides in her fingers for a "#2 check" but she can't feel any. She finds a small dildo, opens your diaper and inserts that as well. She plays with the dildo in your bum for a bit but then finds mommys strap on & pink dildo so she promptly puts it on, grabs the sides of the crib & starts pounding your little hole with it. Maybe that'll get your #2 going & loosened up. Cut to later on when Step-Mommy comes home & asks Kenna how everything went.
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